Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lets start this story

This is where this blog start. I am trying to informed everybody who cares about the pathetic way in which Namibia's most important para-statal is being mismanaged by Vaino and his buddies. Not that he do have many buddies, he mainly have one person who supports him. And that person are waiting for him to makes a big enough mistake so that Dear dokta can be fired and he can then step in to save the day.

The joke around the halls goes that Ockhuizen is the CEO, and Vaino Stinkvoete is his deputy CEO.

These clowns , with previous help from Pieter Carlson, have managed to reduce one of the most technically advanced companies in Namibia into a pathetic typical state organisation. The morale is so low that the big bonuses of last year didn't make chnages in the negativity. The same bonusses for which someone made complaints to the Anti-corruption comittee...

Corruption? In NamWater? Never!

Pieter Carlson stole 6 NamWater employees just after he left. Of course, he "saved" NamWater, and didn't have to worry about the long-term effects of his ridiculous financial policies. After he stole these managers form under Vaino's nose, he had the guts to show up at NamWater's strategic meeting in Swakopmund, and he was made welcomed with open arms by Ockies and Vaino. In fact, they immediately started a little koukus around a table, and he gave them some more brilliant Cape-coloured ideas of how to further send NamWater down the drain. This was done in face of all the managers who attended the meeting. How pathetic a leader allows something like this?

Let it be known to everyone in Namibia: Vaino is a stupid idiot, he is not able to fasten his own shoe-laces , and it is a miracle that he is able to decide which clothes to wear in the morning, because he NEVER ever makes any decisions at work. I doubt that he knows how many liters there are in a cubic meter. He cannot explain most of the ratios and targets on his company's Balanced Scorecard.

Let him explain to you the difference between profit and money in the bank. Ask him what last year's profit was, and how much NamWater now has in the bank. Let him explain the reasons for this large amount of money in the bank. But ask him alone. Don't let Ockies jump in and talk on his behalf. Let him tell you what the function is of a plant technician at von Bach. I dare you, go ahead, and ask him these questions.

"Aah, uhh, I seee, I take note, eh well, lets Wrup this up..."

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